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Day one, Auckland

I arrived in Auckland at 5:50 am this morning, after a 13 hour flight. It was a long flight but I was able to sleep a little bit. See my seat? Well, not really, I just got the crew to take my picture in first class as I was exiting the plane. I wish I could have sat there!

After going through customs, I found out that Cristina's flight was delayed and eventually found out that she wouldn't get in until 10 pm. She was originally scheduled to get in at about 1 o'clock in the afternoon. So, I spent the day taking a nap and driving around trying to get used to driving on the wrong side of the road.

One of the places I went was a small park by the shoreline. I wandered around a little with my camera. The tide was out, so everything was mostly mud, but there were hundreds of little holes in the mud, so I sat very still and tried to see if something would come out of one. Eventually, I noticed this one little crab, so started taking pictures. The I saw some movement in my periphial vision and realized there were little crabs all over the place. Then I moved and they all disappeared into the closest hole. Watch this little video I took to see what I mean. I actually enjoyed this little activity a lot.


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